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If you are ready for a Notre dame visit then try to have hotel near it

If you are planning to visit Notre dame then you need not to think that when it is open. You can do Notre dame visit whenever you want because the cathedral organizes visits every day. The cathedral is open from 8 pm and 6: 45 pm in weekdays and it open at 7:15 on Saturday and Sunday. It is a very beautiful place to see. Notre dame visit helps you to know many things about the significance of that cathedral by looking at its architecture and the beautiful stained glasses used in the windows. You will get to see the old objects from the different centauries. You can also get to see the biggest bell that is in the cathedral tower. There is also archaeological crypt that shows the ruins that were in ancient Paris. These crypts were discovered during excavations.

Notre-dame de Paris also service of youth reception. The trained volunteers do it. These volunteers are trained by the cathedral. It is not very tough job to visit Notre dame. Cathedral not only had this you will also get to see many spiritual functioned over there. You can see various websites in the internet

The next think that a person thought before going somewhere is about the lodging facility of that particular place. Therefore, it is not at all a problematic thing. Many hotels near Notre dame provide very good facilities for lodging. As you will think that Paris is a very good and big city so you will not get cheap hotels over there but it is a myth there are not only five or eight star hotels available there. There are many three star hotels and normal rent hotels are there for the comfort of the tourists so now you do not need to worry about anything before going to Notre dame visit. Many hotels provide you the facility to book rooms only that is the best thing you can book room after having a look of the room before reaching there as this will satisfy you and protect you from the problem of unavailability of room. Although Paris is a very big place, there are many hotels but it is good to have a hotel near Notre dame. There are many beautiful views that you can see from there that gives you beautiful memories.

Categories: Cathedral, Paris.

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